EC341 Computer Arithmetic

Course Name: 

EC341 Computer Arithmetic


B.Tech (ECE)


Programme Specific Electives (PSE)

Credits (L-T-P): 

(3-1-0) 4


Number Representation : Numbers and Arithmetic, Representing Signed Number, Redundant Number Systems, Residue Number Systems, Double base number systems, Addition/Subtraction: Basic Addition and Counting, CarryLook ahead Adder, Variations in Fast Adders, Multi-Operand Addition, Multiplication: Basic Multiplication Schemes, High-Radix Multipliers, Tree and Array Multipliers, Variations in Multipliers, Division: Basic Division Schemes, High-Radix Dividers, Variations in Dividers, Division by Convergence, Real Arithmetic: Representing the Real Numbers, Floating-Point Arithmetic, Arithmetic Errors and Error Control, Precise and Certifiable Arithmetic, Function Evaluation: Square-Rooting Methods, The CORDIC Algorithms, Variations in Function Evaluation, Arithmetic by Table Lookup, Implementation Topics : High Throughput Arithmetic, Low-Power Arithmetic, FaultTolerant Arithmetic, Past, Present, and Future


I. Koren, Computer Arithmetic Algorithms, 2nd Edition, A. K. Peters (part of CRC Press), 2002.
M. Ercegovac and T. Lang, Digital Arithmetic, Morgan Kaufman, 2003.
B. Parhami, Computer Arithmetic: Algorithms and Hardware Design, Oxford University Press 2000.
Literature from the web including the proceedings of IEEE Intl. Conference on Computer Arithmetic.


Electronics and Communication Engineering(ECE)

Contact us

Prof. N. Shekar V. Shet, Professor and Head, 
Department of ECE, NITK, Surathkal
P. O. Srinivasnagar,
Mangalore - 575 025 Karnataka, India.

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