EC704 VLSI Design Automation
Course Name:
EC704 VLSI Design Automation
M.Tech (VLSI)
Programme Core (PC)
Credits (L-T-P):
(4-0-0) 4
Introduction to VLSI design automation: VLSI design methodologies, use of VLSI EDA tools, Algorithmic Graph Theory, computational Complexity; Partitioning, Simulated Annealing. Floor planning and placement, Routing, High Level Synthesis, operation scheduling, Static Timing Analysis, Topological vs logical timing analysis, False paths, Arrival time, Required arrival Time, Slacks.Advanced VLSI Design Automation: Physical Synthesis, Optical Proximity correction, Interconnect issues.
Naveed Sherwani, Algorithms for VLSI Physical Design Automation, 3rd ed., Kluwer Academic Pub., 1999
Majid Sarrafzadeh and C. K. Wong, An Introduction to VLSI Physical Design, McGraw Hill, 1996.
Sabih H. Gerez, Algorithms for VLSI Design Automation, John Wiley, 1998
Sung Kyu Lim, Practical Problems in VLSI Physical Design Automation, Springer, 2008
Sadiq M. Sait & Habib Youssef, VLSI Physical Design Automation: Theory and Practice, World Scientific
Publishing, 1999
NPTEL Video Lectures
Electronics and Communication Engineering(ECE)