A two-week GIAN course on "Medical Informatics, Radiomics, and Image Analysis for Computer-aided Diagnosis," 17–28 FEB 2025, Foreign Faculty: Prof. Rangaraj M. Rangayyan, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, CANADA.
NITK IEEE GRSS Expert Lecture on "Applications of Deep Learning in Image Data Analysis: Security and Surveillance" by Prof. Vivek Kanhangad, IIT Indore, 23-12-2024.
- NITK IEEE GRSS One day workshop on "Recent Algorithms for Remote Sensing Applications" was held on September 13, 2024.
- 7th IEEE Intl. Conference on "Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering" was held during Dec. 1-3, 2022.
- 3-Day Faculty Development Program on "SoC Design Methodology using Intel FPGAs" was held during Dec. 1-3, 2022.
- NITK - IEEE Photonics Student Internship Program 2022; [Funded by IEEE Photonics Society-USA] from 01-06-2022 to 30-06-2022.
- 2nd International conference on "Computational Electronics for Wireless Communications" (ICCWC-2022) held on June 09-10, 2022.
- Workshop on "Applications of Radiomics for Healthcare" jointly with Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, as part of the Fulbright Specialist Program and SPARC project from April 9-29, 2022.
- One week 2nd- IEEE Workshop on "Advances in Nanophotonic devices & Sensors - 2021" was held during October 04-08, 2021 as apart of NITK-IEEE Photonics Student Branch Chapter.
- SERB sponsored Five Days Online Faculty Development Programme on “Recent Trends in Free Space Optics and its Applications (RFA-2021)” was held during 04 - 08 October 2021.
- The Department of ECE in collaboration with NITK IEEE Student Branch organized Two Weeks online Summer school workshop on "Machine and Deep Learning for Remote Sensing Applications" during 05-16 July 2021.
The Department of ECE in collaboration with NITK IEEE Photonics Society and IEEE Student branch organized one day webinar on "Quantum computing" on 18th June 2021.
A TEQIP III sponsored 5 day workshop (online) on "Machine learning and Applications" was held during 22nd to 26th February 2021.
One-week AICTE ATAL (Online) Faculty Development Program (FDP) on "Photonics" was held during 01-05 February 2021.
One week IEEE Workshop on "Advances in Nanophotonic devices & Sensors - 2020" was held during December 07-11, 2020 as a part of NITK- IEEE Photonics Student Branch Chapter.
Five Day online FDP on "Recent Trends in Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics" was held during 12-16 October, 2020 sponsored by TEQIP-III.
One day workshop on "Recent Trends in Wireless Optical Communications" was held on 06.03.2020 (Friday) at Department of ECE, NITK. The resource persons were Prof. Arun Majumdar (from USA) and Prof. T. Srinivas (From IISc Bangalore).
Five Day Short Term Training Program On “Speech, Audio and Music Processing (SAMP 2020)", as a part of NITK Diamond Jubilee Celebrations (2019-20) was held on January 28th-February 1st 2020.
Winter School on Applications of Machine learning techniques for Medical Image Analysis in association with Baylor College of Medicine Houston was held on December 2 -13, 2019 as part of SPARC project and NITK Diamond Jubilee events.
Department level comprehensive external review (Academic review) was held on 28-09-2019. Prof. Rajesh Hegde, IIT Kanpur, Dr. S. V. Sharma, Dy. Director, ISRO and Dr. Narasimha Bhat, Founder CEO, Manipaldotnet Pvt. Ltd were the members of the expert committee.
NBA workshop was conducted during 20-21 May, 2019 to review MTech(VL) programme with Prof. N. S. Murthy (Retd. Professor, NIT Warangal), Prof. Ashok Rao (Former Head, EENP, IISc, Bangalore) and Mr. Nagaraj K (Director, Manipal Dot Net) as reourse persons.
IEEE and ITC/TTTC India sponsored "VLSI Test Workshop" was held on 30 March, 2019.
Three day workshop on "Mathematics and Everything around Mathematics" was held from 8-10 March, 2019.
IEEE sponsored 3 day "Women in Technology Summit" (WiTS) event was held during 21-23 Dec, 2018.
Invited lecture on Wide band gap semiconductors: status and promises by Prof. Digbijoy N. Nath, CeNSE, IISc, Bangalore was arranged on 3-10-2018.
Expert Lecture / Workshop on "Applications of E&T Engineering and implementation of various I.T. initiatives in Coal Industry" was conducted during October 5-6, 2018.
3-Day Training Programme on "End-to-End System Solutions for IoT Designs" conducted during 29th September to 1st October 2018 in collaboration with M/S Saroja Enterprises, Mysore under Newton-Bhabha programme funded by Royal Academy of Engineering, UK.
One day workshop on "Recent Trends in Photonics" was organised on 21st September 2018.
Five days Short term training program on "Algorithms and Architectures for high efficient video processing systems" was organised on August 20-24, 2018 under TEQIP-III.
TEQIP-III sponsored five days Short term training program on "Optimization Techniques for Signal Processing and Network Communication" was conducted during June 14-18, 2018.
MHRD sponsored short course under GIAN on "Introduction to Software Defined Networking" was conducted during 26-30 March, 2018.
2 day workshop on "Mathematics and everything around Mathematics" was conducted during March 8-10, 2018.
2-Day hands-on training programme on Internet of Things (IoT) conducted during 23-24 February 2018 in collaboration with FluxGen Engineering Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore under Newton-Bhabha programme funded by Royal Acadmy of Engineering, UK.
Workshop on "Smart campus: IoT solutions for Utility Management" was coducted during 16-17 February 2018 under Newton-Bhabha programme funded by Royal Acadmy of Engineering, UK.
Guest lecture on "Sensors and Signal Processing" by Dr. Ashok Rao, Formerly, Head, Networking Project Centre for Electronics and Design Technology Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore on 12th January 2018
Guest lecture on "CoE related discussions" was conducted by Dr. R. K. Malaviya Eminent Scientist, Chairman ATMS, SAC Ahmadabadon 7th December 2017
MHRD sponsored short course under GIAN on "Estimation, Tracking and Information Fusion" was conducted on 04-08 December, 2017 by Dr. T. Kirubarajan Distinguished Engineering Professor McMaster University, Canada
MHRD sponsored short course under GIAN on "Remote Sensing Image Processing and Analysis" was conducted on 16-20 November, 2017 by Prof. Fabio Dell’Acqua, University of Pavia, Italy
Technical talk on "A brief insight into spintronics and ultrafast magnetism: Towards Ultrafast Spintronics" was conducted by Mr. Akshay Pattabhi UC Berkeley on 20th September 2017
Training programme on Internet of Things (IoT) was conducted during 18-19 Aug, 2017 by FluxGen Engineering Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
Guest Lecture on "SRAM Design for Advanced Technologies" conducted by Dr. Pramod Kolar on 17th August, 2017
Seminar on "Brain-Computer Interfaces: Sci-fi or Science?" conducted by Mr. Vikram Shenoy Handiru on 11th August, 2017
Expert Lecture on "Vowel-like Regions and Source Information for Speech Processing" by Dr. S R Mahadeva Prasanna, Professor, EEE and Dean (R&D), IIT Guwahati on 3rd and 4th Feb 2017
Workshop on "Linearity - Signals, Systems and Control" by Prof. Vittal Rao, IISc, Bangalore & Dr. Ashok Rao was held on 20 - 22 January 2017
Workshop on "MSP530 Embedded Systems platform" by Mr. Abdul Samad and Mr. Akhil, M/s Sapiencelearning, Bangalore, TI University partner was held on 5th & 6th, November 2016
Expert lecture on "Control and Guidance of Guided Missiles" by Dr. Abhijit Bhattacharya Scientist-G, Air Defence, DRDL, Hyderabad was organised on 4th November 2016
Workshop on "Linear Integrated Circuits - A System Approach" by Ms. Manjit & Ms. Mridula from Texas Instrument was held on 30-sept & 01-oct 2016
Workshop on "Embedded System Design" by Prof. Gunar Schirner, ECE Department, Northeastern University, Boston was held on August 14, 2016
MHRD sponsored short course under GIAN on "An Introduction to Engineering : Simple Ideas - Major Impact" was conducted during Aug 1-5, 2016. Resource person- Prof. Sandeep K. Gupta, Dept. of Electrical Engineering Systems, Univ. of Southern California, USA
Expert lectures on "Electromagnetics and Radiating Systems" by Dr. P. H. Rao, SAMEER, Chennai were organized on February 5, 2016.
Invited talk on "Electronic Circuit Simulation" by Dr. Venkat Ajjanagadde, President QuaSci Labs LLC , USA (1984 EC Alumnus) was organized on 29 January 2016.
One Day workshop on "Identifying and Protecting IPR in Academia" was conducted on 27 January, 2016. Mr. Omprakash, Mr. Sathiyan and Mr. Himatej from OMS Patent Services, Bangalore were the resource persons.
MHRD sponsored short course under GIAN on "Internet of Things (IoT)" was conducted on January 18-22, 2016 by Dr. Krish Prabhu, CTO, AT&T Inc., U.S.A.
Guest lecture on "Direct optical detection of spin-Hall effect in metals" by Mr. Akshay Pattabhi , Research Scholar, UC Berkely (2014 EC Alumnus) was held on January 6, 2016.
Invited talk on "Next Generation Telecommunication Systems – Key Challenges and Opportunities" by Prof. Krishna Shenai, Vice President of LoPel Corporation, Naperville, Illinois, Adjunct Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois and R&D consultant to Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, USA. The event was held on 30 December, 2015.
"Foundation course on EM Theory" by Dr. P. Subbanna Bhat, Senior Technical Consultant, Sankalp Semiconductors Pvt. Ltd., Hubli was held during 8-12 October, 2015.
Invited Talk on "Graphene Based On-chip Interconnects and TSVs – Prospects and Challenges" by Dr. Brajesh Kumar Kaushik, IIT Roorkee, was organized on September 28, 2015.
IEEE sponsored invited talk on "Emotional Engineer" by Prof. Prahlad Vadakkepat, NUS Singapore on 23 Sept., 2015.
Lecture series in the area of VLSI by Dr. Narasimha B. Bhat, Manipaldotnet on 17 August and 23 September, 2015.
Short term course on "Mathematical Morphology and its applications in Image Processing" on 14-24 July, 2015.
Workshop on "Industry Interaction to review Academic and Research Program of the Department of E&C Engg." on 13-14 July, 2015.
IEEE AP-S Region10 Distinguished Speaker Programme Organized by National Institute of Technology, Surathkal in association with IEEE Bangalore APS-MTTS Joint Chapter, Monday, 13 April 2015. Dr. P.H. Rao, SAMEER - Centre for Electro magnetics, Chennai delivered lectures on "Transmission Lines and Feed Lines - Design, Analysis and Realization EM Propagation and Polarization" and Prof. K. J. Vinoy, IISc Bangalore delivered lectures on "Metamaterials".
Workshop on " Parallel Programming Concepts for Research Applications’’ sponsored by Intel/Calligo Technologies, Bangalore and TEQIP-II on Saturday, the 11th April 2015.
Expert talk on "Optimal Signaling for Multi-Level Amplitude-Shift Keying with Single-Input Multiple-Output and Noncoherent Reception" by Ranjan K. Malik, IIT Delhi on 16-03-2015.
Workshop on "Intel Galileo - Hands-on embedded system" on 13-14 Mar, 2015.
Short Course on Introduction to Biomedical Electronics and Biomedical Imaging by Prof. Mark J. Niedre, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Bioengineering Northeastern University, Boston, USA during 2-3 March, 2015.
NITK-CMU joint winter school on "Multimedia Analysis, Neural Networks for Data Analysis and Computational Models in Civic Problems" was held during 10-24 December, 2014
Short Term Training Program On Photonics, Optical Communication Systems and Networks during 08-10 Sept., 2014
Invited Lectures :
Prof. T Kirubarajan, McMaster Univ. Canada, Aug 21-23, 2014
Prof. Mark Davenport, GATECH, Atlanta , 26th July 2014
Dr. Arun K Majumdar, Senior Scientist, Ridgecrest, California USA, 5th September 2013
Mr. Laxmiprasad A.S. Group Director, Photonics Systems Group, LEOS, Bangalore, 6th September 2013
Dr. R K Sinha, Professor, Dept of Applied Physics, DTU, Delhi, 6th September 2013
Prof. Ganapathi Panda, IIT Bhubaneswar, 13th September 2013
Dr. Niranjan, Manipal Dot Net, Udupi, 14th September 2013
Dr. Chandra R Murthy, IISc, Bangalore, 14th September 2013
Finishing School for MTech 2nd year students of the Dept of ECE, Mechatronics and EEE from 12-08-2014 to 30-09-2014
Workshop on "Advanced Linear Algebra and its Applications in Signal and Image Processing" from Jan.18-21, 2014, Sponsored by TEQIP-II.
Workshop on "Big Data Analytics" from October 23-24, 2013, Sponsored by TEQIP-II.
Workshop on "Recent Trends in Signal Processing and Communication Technologies" from September 13-14, 2013, Sponsored by TEQIP-II.
Workshop on "Emerging Trends in Optical Communication Systems and Networks" from September 5 - 7, 2013, Sponsored by TEQIP-II.
Workshop on Induction "Training Programme for Newly Recruited Faculty" from July 1 - 4, 2013, Sponsored by TEQIP-II.
Two day workshop on "Embedded Systems Development" from April 12 - 13, 2013, Sponsored by TEQIP-II
Workshop on NETSIM software from 5th & 6th January 2013, Sponsored by Tetcos, Bangalore.
Workshop on iSense WSN n/w design Kits at NITK Surathkal on November 2012, Sponsored by Nihon Communication Solutions.
Workshop on “Academic PCB designing” on 6th October 2012.
One Day workshop was organized for UG Students on “Cypress Programmable Systems on Chip” on 26th July 2012.
NITK-HEIG-VD Joint Summer University on Image and Signal Processing (SU-ISP 2011-12), February 27 to March 7, 2012.
Training programme on "Mote View WSN Kits" (Intrinsic solutions), February 17, 2012.
Training programme on "Exata Emulator and WSN application" (Nihon Commn. Solutions), February 7, 2012.
Intel sponsored faculty development program on "Intel Embedded Initiative", January 6-7, 2012.
Training Program on "HFSS-Electromagnetic Simulation Software" (RFMEMS (DIT)), September 29-30, 2011.
Short Term Training Program on "Guided Free Space Optical Networks and Systems" (AICTE), August 16-20, 2011.
Training Program on "MEMS Design" (NPMASS, Govt. of India), May 30 to June 4, 2011.
Workshop on 'Xilinx Embedded Design Flow' (Xilinx University Program and MCIT SMDP-VLSI II Project), February 5 -6, 2010.
'IUCEE Review meeting', December 19, 2009.
'Open HouseNTSE Nurturance Program' for School Children, September 5-6, 2009 and February 18, 2010.
Workshop on 'EDA Tools', August 29, 2009.
One day Professor's workshop on 'FPGA based system design using Altera Tools', August 22, 2009.
Workshop on 'Analog Signal Processing' (MHRD/AICTE), August 3-8, 2009.
Training on 'Qualnet Software' (Nihon Communication Ltd., Bangalore & E&C Dept.), August 1-2, 2009.
Curriculum Development Programme 'BTech Curriculum Revision', May 8 & 15, 2009.
Workshop on 'ARM Architecture and Applications'(ARM University Program), March 9-10, 2009.
Summer course on 'Recent Trends in Commn. Engg, Systems, N/Ws and Services'(AICTE), July 28-Aug 8, 2008.
Workshop on 'Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Processes' March 11-14, 2008
Workshop on 'Multi Core Technology' (TEQIP), April 5, 2008
Curriculum Development Workshop on 'Analog & Mixed Signal Design' (TEQIP), Oct. 19-20, 2007
Training on 'MEMS Intellisuite Software' July 2007
Workshop on 'RTOS for Embedded Systems' (EENP), March 19-20, 2005
Workshop on 'TQM' (EENP + TEQIP), March 7-8, March 2005
Workshop on ‘Signal and Systems Simulation Lab’ (EENP), Dec. 27-28, 2004
Workshop on ‘Curriculum Design – Evaluation’ (EENP) Nov. 9-10, 2003
Industrial visit for support staff of Network institutions, Sept. 26-28, 2003
CEEP Course on ‘DSP Fundamentals & Applications’ (EENP) for ADA Engineers, Jan 20-Feb 01, 2003
Workshop on ‘Curriculum Design for Engineering Education’ (EENP), Nov 14-15, 2002
Training course on ‘Web Designing’ (EENP), July 1-5, 2002
CEEP Course on ‘Modeling, simulation & synthesis of Digital Circuits’, (PI-SSS), April 10-26, 2002
CEEP course on Wavelet Transform & Analysis’, (PI-SSS), March 20-April 09, 2002
Computer awareness course for staff of NITK, (EENP), March 13-15, 2002
Computer awareness course for support staff of NITK, (EENP), Jan 17-27, 2002.