EC357 Adhoc and Sensor Networks
Course Name:
EC357 Adhoc and Sensor Networks
B.Tech (ECE)
Programme Specific Electives (PSE)
Credits (L-T-P):
(3-1-0) 4
Mobile ad hoc networks and wireless sensor networks concepts and architectures. Routing: proactive routing, Broadcasting and multicasting, TCP over mobile ad hoc networks,Wireless LAN (WiFi) standards, Medium Access Control Protocol issues power control, spatial reusability, and QoS, Bluetooth, Wireless sensor networks architecture: hardware and software components of a sensor node, OS for WSN, WSN MAC layer strategies; naming and addressing; Clock Synchronization; Node Localization; WSN Routing.
C Sivarama Murthy and B S Manoj, Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks, Architectures and Protocols, PH , 2004.
Labiod.H, Wireless Adhoc and sensor networks, Wiley, 2008.
Li,X , Wireless ad hoc and sensor networks: theory and applications, Cambridge University Press,2008.
Electronics and Communication Engineering(ECE)